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Flat local shipping fee of $5, or spend $200 and above for FREE local delivery!

Flat local shipping fee of $5, or spend $200 and above for FREE local delivery!

  • UVDI-360 Automated Room Disinfection Robot

    UVDI is the leading US manufacturer of UVC disinfection products. UVDI-360 has been proven by evidence-based science, in peer-reviewed studies by recognised researchers in renowned healthcare institutions like Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, UNC Health and more.


    UVDI’s UV Dose Verify Cards, specially calibrated and tested with the UVDI-360, provides assurance that high-touch surfaces are covered during the stipulated disinfection cycle time.

  • Germitec Chronos Automated Ultrasound Probe Disinfection System

    Germitec Chronos uses UVC photons to achieve high-level disinfection for ultrasound probes within its enclosed chamber, completed in a 90 seconds cycle.


    Endocavitary probes such as transvaginal and transrectal probes should be high-level disinfected between every patient use to reduce risk of disease transmission.


    Automated high level disinfection for ultrasound probes can be fast, rinse-free and chemical-free!


    Read why 80% of hospitals in Singapore have adopted this effective, green and convenient technology!

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