SSCOR DuCanto Suction Catheter
SSCOR DuCanto Suction catheter is the go-to suction catheter for the Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy & Airway Decontamination (SALAD) technique for intubating a patient with massive hematemesis, hemoptysis or continuous vomitting.
Advantages of a DuCanto Suction Catheter:
– 6.6mm inner diameter (double a typical Yankauer suction catheter’s inner diameter)
– No occlusion port
– Shaped more like a patient’s airway (meaning that the DuCanto can easily remove blood, vomit and other contaminants from the pharynx and oesophagus, better and faster than a Yankauer can!)
SSCOR VX-2 Suction Pump
SSCOR VX-2 is a portable suction machine with an battery-powered electric suction pump that creates a vacuum of >30 lpm airflow and > 525mmHg negative pressure. Lightweight and powerful, VX-2 is perfect for use in emergencies, pre-hospital care, and on emergency carts in hospitals.
EOVE EO-70 Secretion Management Device
EO-70 by EOVE is an insufflation-exsufflation device, meant to assist the cough effort of the patient in order to expectorate secretions.
EO-70 features a visual coaching function for patient education and compliance.