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Flat local shipping fee of $5, or spend $200 and above for FREE local delivery!

Flat local shipping fee of $5, or spend $200 and above for FREE local delivery!

  • Vapotherm HVT 2.0

    Vapotherm’s latest High Velocity Therapy device – HVT 2.0 is finally here! It is now equipped with an integrated turbine and battery, allowing for mobility for hospital transfers and early mobility therapies. HVT features an oxygen saving system, using velocity through a small bore cannula, instead of volumetric flow for deadspace clearance and oxygenation.


    Not just the conventional high flow oxygen therapy or high flow nasal cannula system, HVT is shown in studies to reduce PCO2 levels as well as NIV devices.


    – Large, intuitive touch screen
    – Disinfection-free process
    – Pre-assembled patient circuit and humidifier
    – On-screen troubleshooting support and comprehensive alarms

  • Vapotherm Precision Flow & Oxygen Assist Module

    Vapotherm’s revolutionary high-velocity therapy has been proven to be non-inferior to nCPAP in neonates and NIV in adults, even with hypercapnic respiratory failure. Due to the high velocity of oxygen flow through Vapotherm’s small-bore cannula, deadspace is reduced and alveolar ventilation increases.


    Oxygen Assist is a module that is a closed-loop controller that titrates FiO2 based on the patient’s SpO2 while on Vapotherm’s Precision Flow. Perfect for reducing nursing workload while increasing time in target SpO2 for fragile premature babies.

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